Common Dental Problems and Their Treatments

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Last Modified: February 3, 2023


11 Common Dental Problems & Their Treatment

Keeping your teeth and gums healthy is a long-lasting commitment. The earlier you adopt healthy oral habits like brushing, flossing, and reducing your sugar intake, the better you’ll be able to keep out of needing expensive dental treatment and long-term teeth problems. 

One method to control dental problems is to go for a regular dental check-up twice a year. An additional method to enjoy good dental health is to adopt a healthy lifestyle. And, of course, pay attention to dental issues.

In this blog, let’s know some common dental problems you can face daily, along with their possible treatments. 

Tooth Decay (Cavities)

Dental caries or dental cavities  in teeth are other names for tooth decay. It is the most typical dental issue that many of us have. 

Plaque, a substance formed by bacteria on the teeth’ surface, causes tooth decay. The bacteria convert the carbohydrates in food into acids. The enamel, or outer covering, of the tooth, is permanently damaged and destroyed by the acids. Your teeth may develop cavities or holes due to the tooth’s deterioration.

Additionally, it can result in toothaches, including discomfort, when you consume hot, cold, or sweet foods and beverages. Other indications of dental decay could be:

  • Black or brown dots on your teeth
  • An icky taste in your mouth

Treatment: Dental care starts with diagnosing your tooth decay’s severity and a recommended course of action. It could involve restoring the teeth with a filling or  a root canal treatment followed by crowns.

Regular brushing and flossing your teeth (twice daily) can help keep tooth decay at bay. Also, get routine check-ups from your dentist to have the plaque removedfrom your teeth.

Stained Teeth

You can get rid of stained teeth by getting proper treatment. Foods, drugs, tobacco, and trauma are some of the things that can stain the teeth. 

Treatment: There are three ways to treat and make them whiter. Your dentist can use a whitening substance and a specialised light. Alternatively, you can bleach them at home using a plastic tray and gel purchased from a store or dentist. Simple options like whitening toothpaste and rinses can help get rid of some superficial stains.

Bad Breath 

This dental problem is also known as halitosis.  Poor oral hygiene, coatings on tongue, dry mouth, gum diseases, infected tonsils and certain food articles like garlic, onions etc. can be the cause of bad breath. Additionally, morning breath can be awful since your mouth dries up while you sleep.

Treatment: Getting scaling & polishing done every 6 months, treating underlying medical condition which is causing bad breath, following good oral hygiene measures like brushing twice a day, gargle after every meal and using a tongue cleaner to remove some of the bad breath causing bacteria can help get rid of bad breath. Also, foods like onions and garlic can add to foul breath, so consider reducing your intake.


A toothache is a discomfort that develops in or near a tooth due to decay, infection, or cavities. When the pulp nerve becomes inflamed or bacterially infected, toothaches occur. Depending on the cause, the toothache’s intensity can change. For instance, temporary gum irritability may result in a dull toothache. However, if you see any swelling or pus or have a around the tooth then this could be abscess and can cause pain

Treatment: The best action to treat a toothache is to visit the dentist to find out the exact cause of discomfort. The dentist will check your teeth, gums, and surrounding tissues and likewise appropriate therapy/therapies can be administered by the dentist. However, if going to the dentist immediately isn’t an option, you can take a painkiller to get rid of the toothache and eat soft foods to prevent it from getting worse.

Mouth Sores

There are two main types of mouth sores: canker sores and cold sores. Canker sores are not caused by any virus but by tension, genetics, and specific foods. On the other hand, cold sores are induced by the herpes simplex virus and are transmitted through oral contact. They impact 67% of individuals under the age of 50, usually before the age of 20.

Treatment: Consult with your dentist.Canker sores usually cure on their own within one to two weeks but if they persist for long consult your dentists. Dentist can prescribe medicines and administer required therapy for the same.Cold sores can be treated with antiviral ointments and pills during outbreaks. Latest treatment option with soft tissue laser on both types of ulcers or sores is very effective. 

Irregular Teeth

Irregular teeth is also a very common dental problem. It occurs when there is not enough space in the jaws to accommodate all teeth.There can be many reasons for irregular teeth to mention a few, it can be induced by an improperly developed jaw or poor habits like thumb sucking etc. Irregular teeth can contribute to periodontal disorder as well.

Treatment: An orthodontist or dental expert can assist in identifying the best teeth damage treatment options for your specific overbite or underbite. Always consult your dentist about any problems you have with your teeth or mouth for expert advice. You may be amazed by the solutions your dentists of Ivy League can offer when you give them the opportunity. Invisalign is a newer treatment option available. Consult your dentist to know more about it.


If you have any kind of dental problems and want to get the best treatment done,  look no further and choose Ivy League Dental, Dental Deptt, Metro Heart Institute, Faridabad.We’re known for giving quality care and are well equipped to handle all kind of dental problems.So, take a step forward towards a healthy smile and get expert advice and treatment from us.

IVY League Dental

February 3, 2023

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