Braces vs Aligners – Which Orthodontic Treatment Will Suit You Better?

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Last Modified: February 27, 2024


Dreaming of the perfect smile but can’t decide between metal braces or clear aligners? The choice can be downright confusing. Both options effectively straighten teeth over time through gentle pressure. But there are some key differences between these popular orthodontic treatments you’ll want to consider thoroughly first.

So if you are looking to know the difference between Aligners Vs Braces, we have got you covered. Read on as we compare braces vs aligners so you can determine which solution will suit you best!

How Do Braces and Aligners Straighten Teeth?

Braces and aligners straighten teeth using gentle pressure over time. Braces use brackets and wires to apply precise force to shift teeth into better positions. Aligners are custom-made plastic trays that you change out every 1-2 weeks to move teeth incrementally. Both options work similarly to straighten smiles, though the hardware and exact processes differ.

Difference Between Aligners Vs Braces


The most noticeable difference between these treatments is aesthetics. Metal braces feature visible metal brackets and wires, while clear aligner trays blend in seamlessly.

Braces make it obvious you’re undergoing treatment. Aligners are nearly invisible as they’re clear plastic and removable. If aesthetics are important, aligners provide a more discrete straightening solution.

Feel and Comfort

Traditional braces generally cause some initial discomfort from brackets and wires pressing on your lips, cheeks, and gums. This typically subsides within a couple of weeks as you adjust.

Aligners feel relatively comfortable as they’re smooth plastic. But some aligners can press on and irritate teeth at first when changing between sets.

Neither option should cause significant pain. However, clear aligners tend to be more comfortable overall during treatment.

Ease of Use

Braces generally require less effort from patients. Once brackets are bonded on, you simply avoid sticky foods, brush carefully, and visit your orthodontist routinely to get wires adjusted. The hardware does the tough work of moving your teeth.

Aligners must be worn 20+ hours per day and then switched out routinely. You remove them to eat and brush your teeth. So, patients must take excellent care removing and inserting aligners to prevent damage and wear each set sufficiently. The responsibility falls more on the patient to ensure teeth shift as desired.

Treatment Length & Intensity

Treatment times are fairly comparable. Both options take roughly 12 to 24 months to straighten smiles effectively in average cases.

However, aligners aren’t quite as fast or intense as braces. Teeth tend to shift slightly quicker with braces since wires apply constant pressure. Aligner movement relies on patient compliance by wearing the removable trays for enough hours per day. More complex cases may benefit more from braces.

Customisation Ability

Braces allow orthodontists of the best dental hospital in Faridabad to adjust wires and hardware during treatment for customised shifts per patient. This tweaking over months contributes to very precise control of straightening teeth.

Aligners are customised upfront based on scans of your teeth before treatment. All aligner trays are produced at once through a computer model. So aligners provide less flexibility later on but very customised initial plans.

Oral Health Impacts

The metal brackets of traditional braces tend to accumulate more plaque and bacteria during treatment compared to plastic aligners. Patients must be diligent in brushing and flossing around braces to prevent tooth decay and permanent white spots from forming around brackets.

Aligners generally don’t pose as many oral health risks. As you remove the smooth plastic trays to clean your teeth daily, you simply brush the aligners themselves regularly. Just monitor for any tooth cavities or gum disease during aligner wear, both of which require excellent hygiene.

Pricing Differences

Cost varies based on treatment length and orthodontist fees, but braces generally range from INR 30,000 to INR 80,000. The cost of aligners in Faridabad usually span from INR 40,000 to INR 80,000.

Aligners involve more upfront costs since all the custom trays must be produced ahead of time. However, over longer treatment durations, aligners can cost slightly less in some cases. Check with your provider for exact braces versus aligners pricing.


Whether you select clear aligners or traditional metal braces, you can achieve significant orthodontic improvement over the course of treatment. Correcting bites and straightening smiles takes dedication through either route. Treatment success depends enormously on your own efforts to wear aligners sufficiently or maintain diligent brace care each day.

So, if you are looking for the best dental hospital in Faridabad for braces or aligners, IVY League Dental has got you covered. We have the best team of dentists who are dedicated to giving your desired smile with utmost care and satisfaction. Book an appointment to learn more about the cost of aligners in Faridabad. 


Are braces or aligners more effective at shifting teeth?

Both braces and aligners are very effective at straightening smiles. Traditional metal braces may have a slight edge for complex cases since the wires apply continuous adjusting force. But clear aligners also incrementally move teeth into position if worn properly. Overall, both options successfully straighten teeth.

Will aligners or braces straighten my teeth faster?

Treatment times are fairly similar, ranging between 12-24 months on average. Teeth may shift at a slightly quicker pace with metal braces since pressure is applied constantly by the brackets and wires. The speed of clear aligners relies more on patients changing trays consistently. But both produce significant improvement if worn as directed.

What’s more painful – braces or Invisalign?

Both options may cause some initial discomfort. Traditional metal braces usually irritate cheeks, lips, and gums temporarily as you adjust to brackets and wires. Aligners can press on individual teeth and cause sensitivity initially when you change aligner trays. Any pain is manageable, though, and subsides quickly.

Can I straighten teeth with aligners as effectively as braces for serious alignment issues?

If you have complex orthodontic issues, traditional braces may be the better choice. Aligners move teeth more gradually and cannot be adjusted mid-treatment. Braces apply customised, consistent pressure through wires that orthodontists can tweak as needed for complicated cases.

IVY League Dental

February 27, 2024

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