Dental Braces

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What are Dental Braces?

Dental braces are orthodontic devices designed to correct misaligned teeth and bite issues. They consist of metal or ceramic brackets attached to the teeth and connected by wires. Braces apply gentle pressure to gradually shift teeth into proper alignment, addressing various dental issues, including overcrowding, gaps, and crooked teeth.

Braces not only enhance aesthetics but also improve oral health by promoting proper bite function and easing cleaning. Modern advancements offer discreet options like clear aligners, providing a less conspicuous alternative. Whether for cosmetic or functional reasons, IVY League Dental is the best dental braces hospital in Faridabad to help you achieve a straighter, healthier smile.

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Types of Braces

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Metal Braces:

Traditional stainless steel brackets and wires for effective and economical teeth straightening.

Ceramic Braces:

Clear or tooth-colored brackets for a discreet appearance without sacrificing effectiveness.

Lingual Braces:

Custom-made braces on the back of teeth for virtually invisible orthodontic treatment.


Clear, removable aligners tailored to gradually shift teeth, offering a nearly invisible alternative.

Self-Ligating Braces:

Utilizing a built-in mechanism to hold wires, reducing friction and potentially expediting treatment.

Damon Braces:

A type of self-ligating system with a slide mechanism, requiring fewer adjustments for some patients.

Clear Aligners (Other than Invisalign):

Transparent, removable aligners as an alternative to traditional braces or Invisalign.

Cases Which Require Teeth Braces




Teeth Crowding

Teeth Spacing

Protruding Teeth

Open Bite

Dental Midline Misalignment

Impacted Teeth

Procedure for Getting Clear Aligners

  • Consultation: Schedule a consultation at the best dental clinic in Faridabad for a clear aligner assessment. .
  • Examination: Undergo a comprehensive dental exam, including X-rays.
  • Treatment Planning: Collaborate on a personalized treatment plan with the orthodontist.
  • Digital Model: Utilize digital technology for a 3D model of the treatment.
  • Presentation: Review the proposed plan, duration, and 3D model.
  • Aligner Fabrication: Custom aligners are made based on dental impressions.
  • Fitting: Receive and ensure comfort with the first set of aligners.
  • Instructions:Get guidance on wear time, removal, and oral hygiene for teeth braces in Faridabad.

Why Choose Ivy League Dental for Teeth Braces Treatment?

  • Skilled and experienced specialists dedicated for orthodontic procedures.
  • Advanced equipment for accurate and efficient treatments.
  • Tailored care to ensure a comfortable experience.
  • Comprehensive evaluations for precise treatment planning.
  • Focus on long-term dental health and excellent outcomes.

Asked Questions

1. Are braces painful?

Generally, there might be some discomfort or soreness when braces are first applied or adjusted. This discomfort is temporary and can be managed with over-the-counter pain relievers. Ivy League Dental, one of the best dental hospital in faridabad, prioritizes patient comfort and ensures that the orthodontic process is as pain-free as possible.

2. How much do the Dental braces costs?

The cost of dental braces depends upon the type of braces that you choose, the length of treatment, and the type of malocclusions.

3. Which types of braces should I go for at Ivy League Dental?

At Ivy League Dental in Faridabad, our experienced orthodontists will assess your specific needs and recommend the most suitable type of braces for you. Options include traditional metal braces, ceramic braces for a more discreet look, and advanced treatments like Invisalign clear aligners.

4. How much time does one need to keep braces?

The duration of braces treatment at Ivy League Dental depends on individual cases. On average, traditional braces may be worn for 18-24 months. Advanced treatments like Invisalign may have a shorter treatment timeline. Our orthodontists will provide a personalized estimate during your consultation.

5. Are there any food restrictions after getting braces?

Yes, certain foods should be avoided to prevent damage to braces. At Ivy League Dental, one of the best clinic for dental braces in faridabad, our team will provide you with a list of foods to steer clear of, such as sticky candies, hard nuts, and chewy items. A balanced diet that is gentle on braces will be recommended to ensure effective and comfortable treatment.

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